You are… reality, as one wave of its ocean. You are a piece of the surface of the ocean of infinite being.
Me too! Are the waveforms in control of the ocean, or are they at the effect of the ocean? Nope! The waves *are* the ocean. They’re just different terms describing different ways of thinking about the same great body of water as it changes and flows, wave after wave.
Advice to my younger self
I was recently asked “What is your #1 piece of advice that you would give to your younger self?”, and this was the first thing that occurred to me:
The Solitude of the Soul
This is a photo of Lorado Taft’s “The Solitude of the Soul.” I think people typically see in it forlorn individuals who, though they try to get close to each other, are ultimately separate and incapable of true connection.
On wasted potential
Each ray of our sun bursts forth into empty space, capable of giving life to plants, animals, fungi, and infinite life forms of which we’ve never dreamed. Each photon could transform into the substance of a dancer’s body, the kinetic energy of a child, the power of a genius mind, the light of a mystic’s consciousness.
Personal intentions
Last weekend, in preparation for a meditation retreat, I reflected on my personal intentions for my experience of life right now. I wrote them to myself, but thought I’d share. (They’re written in the present tense, but definitely not always true, though I find they slowly get truer the more I meditate on them.)
An intention for freedom
I find that many of my habitual experiences of reality aren’t helpful, but can be made helpful through cognitive shifts. A personal intention for freedom: When I feel ANXIETY, let it become CURIOSITY about what’s going to happen next. When I feel URGENCY, let it become EXCITEMENT to try out ideas.